
Tag Archives: Industrial Ethernet

Smart Grid for Modern Power Requirements

Smart Grid for Modern Power Requirements

We have discussed in various articles on how the modern world is adapting to smart technologies in order to create a smart world. From your home interiors to streets to factory floors and hospitals, there are numerous sophisticated devices which make your life easier. (阅读更多)
Industrial Ethernet Connectors Enabling IIoT

Industrial Ethernet Connectors Enabling IIoT

Industrial Ethernet can be simply defined as the Ethernet settings applied to an industrial infrastructure, which typically supports Industry 4.0 by establishing a stable and fast communication between automation sensors, actuators, and other machine controllers within harsh industry environments.

Renewable Energy with Wind Turbines

Renewable Energy with Wind Turbines

The world is switching to renewable sources of energy for a greener living, among which wind energy is widely popular these days. As we all know, the basic functionality behind a wind turbine is to convert the kinetic energy from winds to electric power. There are wide varieties of wind turbines, in different sizes and shapes.

Human Machine Interface (HMI)- The Intelligent Interface between Operators and Devices

Human Machine Interface (HMI)- The Intelligent Interface between Operators and Devices

Industrial automation and digitalization are making revolutionary changes. We have already discussed in previous articles about the changes happening in factory floors with the implementation of Industry 4.0 and IIoT. 

SPE: The Future of Industrial Ethernet

SPE: The Future of Industrial Ethernet

Ethernet is serving many modern industrial and commercial applications like smart lighting, intelligent building, IP based security systems, and factory automation with flawless data transfer capacity and current handling capabilities. Digital connectivity and modularity in industries are enabling flexible production. (阅读更多)