
每月档案:June 2020

Smart Lighting Solutions for a Modern World

Smart Lighting Solutions for a Modern World

The lighting industry is developing rapidly with the introduction of smart lighting with sensors. From office interiors to factories, smart homes, and street lighting, one can find various forms of lighting. Amphenol has an array of lighting products meeting all major standards and next-generation requirements.

SPE: The Future of Industrial Ethernet

SPE: The Future of Industrial Ethernet

Ethernet is serving many modern industrial and commercial applications like smart lighting, intelligent building, IP based security systems, and factory automation with flawless data transfer capacity and current handling capabilities. Digital connectivity and modularity in industries are enabling flexible production. (阅读更多)
Learn About Glow Wire Compatibility

Learn About Glow Wire Compatibility

The quality of any electrical connection is predominantly measured by the safety it assures. Glow wire compatibility is a test that ensures safety and avoids mishaps caused by human mishandling, over-current, or short circuit failures especially within appliance wiring systems.

Industrial Automation with Robotic Arms

Industrial Automation with Robotic Arms

Robots were primarily designed to do tedious, repetitive works that were difficult and dangerous for humans to handle or those tasks that required consistent precision. Robotic arms are the most popular robots used in industries today. 

Components of a Control Cabinet

Components of a Control Cabinet

Control cabinets are vertical enclosures with servo drives and other electromechanical components that control or monitor machinery and factory systems associated with it. The control cabinet is a stainless steel box, which can either be wall-mounted or a standalone module on the floor. Inside the control cabinet, there are many components from servo drives to PLCs and terminal blocks.
